
Paul took part in an “Ask Me Anything” (AMA) session on this morning. Here are his answers to the many questions that fans asked:
* Paul_Stanley: I am Paul Stanley – author of the the book Face The Music, musician, author, cook, painter. Oh and I almost forgot…KISS. AMA
toborknip: Unlike many other bands, KISS seems to be passed on from parents their children, what would you tell the little ones that freak out and get excited watching your performances, and the ones that you inspire to follow the path of music / rock ? How do you feel about being able to reach out to new generations with your art?
* Paul_Stanley: KISS at this point is almost more a tribe. We’re much more than a band. The idea that there is a right of passage from one generation to the other is humbling & rewarding. That parents want their children to share something that is and was important to them is profound. I’m humbled.
finnlizzy: I want to rock and roll all night, but have other commitments during the day. How do you do it?
* Paul_Stanley: Don’t do it every night.
kenp2: I have read that you have gotten a cochlear implant in your right ear and can hear sounds on that side thru bone conduction. does this mean that you experience music in a stereo sense? or is it still different? BTW huge fan! I met you at the KISS/Aerosmith meet and greet and was too nervous to say anything other than to shake your hand twice! You signed an ID sheet I bought at the KISS auction.
* Paul_Stanley: Great question! I did have a bone conduction implant done. But honestly at this point in my life, it’s very difficult for your brain to adjust and rewire in a sense – in other words, I’ve spent my life hearing the way I think of as “normal” and to hear any other way is very confusing. I took the implant out.
jerry1013: Hey Paul, What’s a good “hidden gem” in the KISS catalog for you? As someone who loves all of your albums, it’d be interesting to find out what song(s) you feel deserve some praise they don’t usually get. (Nowhere To Run would be my pick)
* Paul_Stanley: I’m with you.
eskebaeb: Hey Paul!! I’ve been a fan of Kiss for 30 years and I actually helped put together the first online Kiss F.A.Q back in 1993 🙂 You were always my favorite member of the band (for songwriting, voice, and on-stage persona) Can you give us a quick story of a funny prank you (or one of the other guys) pulled on someone else in the band back in the day?
* Paul_Stanley: Gene hates any kind of shellfish among other things. One night i had lobster for dinner before the show, and saved the body with the tentacles on it. During a blackout between songs, I snapped it on his microphone, and when he went to sing, it was staring him in the face. He freaked out!
mikescherrer: Hey Paul big fan of Kiss, I don’t have much to ask but thank you for the music you have given the world, But what is your favorite pizza topping.
* Paul_Stanley: Oh boy. Grilled prosciutto, grilled onions, and grilled mushrooms. PLUS CHEESE!
blackdiamond19: How different do you think KISS would have been if the late and very talented Eric Carr were still alive? Did he bring something different to the band that other members have not? Would the makeup for Tommy be different and do you think there would be less controversy about Ace and Peter if the band never went back to using their makeup? Thank you for all the great music and shows, can’t wait to see you again in Sacramento!
* Paul_Stanley: Eric, in a sense, was a wakeup call for us. And a reminder of what we had lost. He was a devoted member of the band, and reminded us of who we were when we started. It’s a nonstarter as far as different makeup for Tommy. We have nurtured our image for 40 years without ever abandoning the band. And in fact, are proud to continue those 4 iconic images without any regard to any past members including Ace and Peter. After all, if it meant so much to them, they wouldn’t have sold them. CAN’T WAIT TO SEE YOU in Sacramento!
IRipShirts: I noticed your voice significantly changed over the course of the 80’s. What exactly happened during that period to cause that?
Also, can’t wait to see you guys perform this summer!
* Paul_Stanley: In the 80s, I discovered a upper range that I hadn’t been able to access and in fact, didn’t know was there! It really came down to self-taught technique through trial, error, and accident.
Can’t wait to see you too!
How important is Desmond Child in your career? Has your songwriting changed since you met him?
* Paul_Stanley: Desmond was a terrific writing partner and his successes afterwards speak volumes for his talent. Everyone’s songwriting changes with time. He is creative and a consummate songwriter.
OhShitItsSeth: Hey Paul, thanks for the AMA! My question is: What Def Leppard song are you most looking forward to hear this summer on your co-headlining tour?
* Paul_Stanley: Photograph.
Kknowsbest: What is the best advice ever given to you?
* Paul_Stanley: Don’t listen to advice. Follow your passion.
hesouryou: What’s your favorite snack food when touring?
* Paul_Stanley: That’s tough because my favorite snack foods aren’t the ones that are best for me, but they taste great. I’ve got a serious sweet tooth and love chocolate chip cookies and red velvet cake for starters. How can anyone say a carrot tastes better than those?
operation_hennessey: Tell us something about yourself that we may find surprising.
* Paul_Stanley: At this point, you know a lot!
kevinb2k6: Did you ever want to punch Gene Simmons in the face?
* Paul_Stanley: I’m really not a violent guy. But like all great relationships, we have had some moments where I was very angry or frustrated. Punching someone is never the solution.
TiltDogg: Hi, Paul! Thanks so much for doing this! As much as I would love to ask you something about one of your many other talents and endeavors, there is a KISS related question that has burned in my mind a million times over. So there you are, on the stage in front of 45,000 screaming fans, blasting out an energetic classic like Detroit Rock City, and the rush has got to be AMAZING… But, there is so much energy and preparing and shit-to-do… Are there some show mornings when you wake up and just don’t feel like f**king with it? Do you have to MAKE yourself get into that mood to project that vibe to not disappoint the fans, or does it just happen? I would suspect that, at SOME point, you have to be like, “Man, f**k this s**t… I just wanna eat pizza and watch Leave It To Beaver.”
* Paul_Stanley: HA! The truth is, there are days when it may look like a big mountain to climb but by the time I get to the show, I can’t wait. When I’m sick, when I’m not well, at those times, it’s a testament to the fans and the adrenaline you produce in me that turns me into superman.
seajellie: Have you seen the movie Role Models? Any thoughts on their LARPing with your band’s likeness? Thanks!!!
* Paul_Stanley: I thought Role Models was very funny, and when you are a part of the consciousness of society, and find yourself in films and TV shows, you probably have done something right.
Dongsauce: I remember seeing a picture in Rolling Stone one time of you just doing your grocery shopping. I know you’ve probably had your picture taken everywhere you went since the ’70s but that just seems like it would have pissed me off. What everyday activities do you wish that you could just go about without someone having to take a picture of you?
* Paul_Stanley: That is a small price to pay for everything I get.
nutwrinkles: Hey Paul – KISS was my first concert – ’77 at the Garden. Any place you haven’t played yet that you still like to?
* Paul_Stanley: Gee that’s a tough one. We’ve played the arena in Verona where the gladiators used to fight. And that is pretty awesome. As far as places we haven’t played, I’m sure I could come up with a list. But not now.
riguitargod: Hi Paul! Looking forward to meeting you in TriBeCa tonight! Are there any aspects of a stage show that you’ve wanted to incorporate, but for technical reasons, haven’t been able to? I loved the spider stage on the monster tour!
* Paul_Stanley: We are always trying to push the envelope and still retain our edge. I think the Monster stage is the best stage we have ever had, and incorporates technology without being overwhelmed by it.
vh7884: What is your favorite KISS guitar solo?
* Paul_Stanley: I guess the most signature solo would be Detroit Rock City.
toborknip: Hey Paul, will your tour include Argentina? say yess! =) xoxo
* Paul_Stanley: I will do my best and you know we always try to come see you and most of the time, we do.
Birks1: Hey Paul Is Gene really the Marketing genius they portray him on Television as? If so, was that a big part in the success of kiss?
*Paul_Stanley: Gene is my brother. And he is most adept at marketing himself. We have done great things together.
operation_hennessey: Do you remember the first time you were recognized in public as a celebrity?
* Paul_Stanley: On the first tour someone asked us for an autograph, and I honestly thought they were kidding. That’s a long, long time ago.
chiromanni: Hey Paul, in the 70’s, when was the first sign you noticed in your gut that Peter and Ace were not the right fit for KISS in the long run
* Paul_Stanley: I never knew what the long run meant because bands didn’t last more than 5 or 6 years. I was hoping we would make it that long.
pgarzon: Big fan from Ecuador here! Any chance of a Latam tour soon? There is a HUGE fanbase of Kiss in my country. Hope to see the power and passion of Kiss soon.
* Paul_Stanley: I can feel the passion from here! We will do our best to come see you.
HirstyUK: Hi Paul, doesn’t today’s music just piss you off?
* Paul_Stanley: No. It makes me a bit sad because of the human element that is missing from so much of it. People should make music, not machines.
TReilly24: Starting a new pro sports team can be a risky undertaking. Were you ever hesitant about getting involved? Thanks for always making tour stops in Scranton, PA.
* Paul_Stanley: No guts, no glory! Why hold yourself back? The gains can be so much bigger than the possible downside. The football team was too enticing to not do. We are delivering great sport and spectacle at a price that everyone can afford. What’s bad about that? So far, it’s been a huge success and I couldn’t be prouder.
VIParadigm: The name. How did it come aboot?
* Paul_Stanley: I thought of KISS as a name that would seem familiar worldwide. It’s a word everyone seems to know, with many meanings. It’s also in my book, Face The Music.
DerianDomitruk: If you were stuck on a deserted island, what three items would you bring?
* Paul_Stanley: Erin. And my four kids. I’d sneak them under my jacket or in a suitcase but they’re coming!
BRAman22: What is your favorite Kiss song to play live?
* Paul_Stanley: I love Detroit Rock City!
4orced4door: My parents “accidentally” named me Paul Stanley, so I’d just like to say thanks for having middle aged people ask me if I’ve ever heard of KISS twice a month. I think my Mom may have secretly been a fan. Once I had some repairmen march into my house singing “I Wanna Rock and Roll all Night” because of my name on the work order, so that’s a plus.
* Paul_Stanley: Your mom has great taste! And by the way, I love your book, Face The Music.
smelltheglove81: How did you feel about punk rock when it started getting big back in the late seventies?
* Paul_Stanley: I thought it was fine. I just think that a message, no matter what it is, doesn’t validate poor playing. It can’t be a substitute.
Pennstater22: Hey Paul! I will be at your book signing in NYC tonight! If I give you an “everybody said she’s looking good, and the lady knows it’s understood,” will you finish it for me???
* Paul_Stanley: Strutter!
Virez: Are u a gear geek/freak ?…or do u just play whatever is around.
*Paul_Stanley: I’m not a gear geek.
coolbeansbrah: Do you Live to Win?
* Paul_Stanley: Yes. Living to Win doesn’t mean that you always succeed, but you are a winner just by following your own path.
BroadBandBeatnik: Hey Paul Stanley, will we ever see a sequel to Detroit Rock City?
* Paul_Stanley: I have no idea.
brandonhsttlr: Hey Paul! Big KISS fan. What did you think about the portrayals of KISS in the few Family Guy episodes? I’m sure you guys had to sign off of them. Are you a fan of the show?
* Paul_Stanley: I’m a fan of the show. And if you take yourself too seriously, you miss out on a few laughs.
Vollmerhausen: Paul, one of my first memories as a child was hanging out with my dad in our basement listening to a song while playing with Legos. It wasn’t until I was much older and after I saw you guys in D.C. in 2009 and becoming the hugest KISS fanatic in my town did I realize it was the song Psycho Circus. Is it possible for you guys to play that song in Bristow, VA on July 25th when I see you guys again? Thank you so much for giving my short life a soundtrack and for the many memories I’ll always cherish.
*Paul_Stanley: I will do my best. I love that song too.
kenp2: I have read that you do not have a “shrine” to the band in your home. However, do you have a favorite piece of band memorabilia?
* Paul_Stanley: My first gold album is what probably still means the most to me. Everything that came after couldn’t have happened without that first gold album.
GoProDad: I lost a girlfriend in Canada to a guy who was in a Kiss Look A Like band called Alive. His name was Spearo and he dressed as Gene Simmons. From this day forward, I hated the band. Do you know Spearo? Tell him I am still going to kick his ass.
* Paul_Stanley: I know Spearo. And he’s a great guy. He just dressed as the wrong member!
ptanaka: Hey Paul – I saw you on CBS this morning. Were those your paintings in the background? If So… HELLO?!??! <3! You be talented. And if not… YOU COLLECT WELL. Either way, a win for Paul!
* Paul_Stanley: Yes they are mine. And thanks!
SkeevyRay: Hiya Paul! What’s some of your favorite music of all time? What do you pop in the system to actually sit back and listen to?
* Paul_Stanley: There are only two kinds of music: good and bad. So there’s great rock, like Zeppelin, The Who, The Beatles, and on and on. And there’s great jazz, like Coltrane, and Miles Davis, and there is amazing classical music like Beethoven. The list is endless. Go find it!
mad_men_enthusiast: Is there any band you guys would love to bring out on tour but haven’t gotten the chance to yet?
* Paul_Stanley: Many.
blackdiamond19: How has social media changed KISS? Do you think it helped push The RHOF to finally put KISS in? Have the fans changed the way you do things for concerts or influenced what the band plans for the future?
* Paul_Stanley: Wow. Social media hasn’t really changed KISS. KISS is trying to use social media as a tool to connect with fans. The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame ultimately and grudgingly had to induct us at some point. The absurdity of ignoring us was beginning to make them look ridiculous. Unfortunately, I don’t know that inducting us changes anyone’s perception of them.
opiate46: Hey Paul! Glad to see you guys still kicking so much ass on stage after all these years.
You guys are playing with another of my favorite bands this year – Def Leppard. My friend is a huge Def Leppard fan, but she says she doesn’t like KISS. Can you tell me anything to help change her mind?
* Paul_Stanley: Not that I need to…But seeing is believing. Come to the show.
Kknowsbest: Who was your role model growing up?
* Paul_Stanley: I didn’t really have a role model. But was fascinated and driven by anyone involved in music or art.
lpyankee2 What was your first concert?
* Paul_Stanley: My first rock concert was the Yardbirds, a british band that at different times, had Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck, and Jimmy Page as lead guitar players. I saw them with Jimmy.
thunderbuns2: In all your years of touring, What is the craziest thing you have ever seen?
* Paul_Stanley: Idiots calling us “satan worshippers.”
WillHorton9: What’s your favourite vocal performance on a track, whether live or studio? Also, just know you’re my hero and I finally get to meet you in New York on the next tour, flying from England!
* Paul_Stanley: Honestly, there’s a lot of great KISS stuff, including I Still Love You. Also, doing Phantom of the Opera was an incredible challenge and terrifically rewarding. Unfortunately, the few recordings I’ve heard are not great. It’s almost like someone posting you on YouTube falling down the stairs. It doesn’t mean you did it every time!
rothee82: Hey Paul, just wanted to share with you–I was able to see you perform in Phantom back in ’99 when I was 18, and seeing your performance was a huge turning point in my life. I am now a professional classical musician, and following your example has been a big part of my success. Thank you for being such a positive influence in my life! Any plans to do more musical theater?
* Paul_Stanley: Thank you for letting me know of your success. If time allows, I would love to do more musical theater. It is such a different and demanding discipline, but that’s how you find out what you’re made of.
Langenbrunner15: What producer do you think got the best sound out of Kiss? I’m only familiar with Ezrin, Kramer, and Poncia, and they all gave you guys a different feel.
* Paul_Stanley: Ezrin, at his best, is a consummate producer.
gl77: What are your thoughts on the RHOF allowing Chad Channing, the original drummer for Nirvana, to be inducted and then reversing their decision? I hear it was mainly caused by an uproar among KISS fans.
* Paul_Stanley: The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame is finally being exposed for what it is. A private club of a few people misrepresenting themselves as the public.
Frajer: Were you surprised by how devoted the Kiss Army is?
* Paul_Stanley: The best relationships are reciprocal. Like a great two way street. It’s nice to know that the KISS Army is as devoted to me as I am to them.
BeltofOrion: Hi! I have two questions: 1) Who or what has influenced you most to become a musician? 2) If you have or were to have words to live by, what would they be?
* Paul_Stanley: I can’t say anyone or anything other than music itself. It’s always been deeply inspiring to me. Words to live by are simple… find your passion and follow it.
Captainboner: After living an almost perfect life, is there anything you’ve yet to achieve?
* Paul_Stanley: I didn’t live an almost perfect life. But that is what I have achieved.
kenp2: I have seen photos of you clay pigeon target shooting. Have you ever tried international/Olympic trapshooting?
* Paul_Stanley: No. But we’ll get to it!
elcapitanfiscal: Besides music, what is another type of art that you enjoy?
* Paul_Stanley: I love painting, and I love cooking. Hopefully next year, I’ll have added more to the list. Isn’t that what life’s about?
Vinchenzo1: Welcome to Reddit, Paul. What was your first guitar, and did you believe it was the beginning of something special?
*Paul_Stanley: My first guitar was just the next step in my travels through music. It was my transportation to the top!
FrozenDaggerOfPiss: Hey Paul, What is one thing you want to do before you die?
* Paul_Stanley: Live forever!
Officer_Meathead: Hey Paul, thanks for the AMA! I’ve been a fan of KISS for a number of years and finally got to see you last year. My question is when are you coming back to Canada and is there a new album in the works?
* Paul_Stanley: We will be back in Canada on the 40th anniversary tour, and couldn’t imagine touring without visiting.
Axlmaho: when will you come to Japan?? Gene said “we will play in Japan this year” in Twitter,is this really?? I wanna see you again in Japan!
* Paul_Stanley: We are planning to come back to Japan, hopefully this year.
subin666: what is the one moment where you had to stop and think “this has to be a dream”?
*Paul_Stanley: There’s nothing more profound than the birth of your children. Every one of those moments is beyond belief.
kbedell: Huge long-time fan. I saw you first time at the Jackson Sports Arena in Jackson, MI not long after the first Kiss Alive album came out. My first concert — and still one of my favorites! Question: What was it like first selling out those shows at Cobo Hall in Detroit back when you were first taking off? Did you guys have any idea then what the ride was going to be like? Thanks for all the music!
*Paul_Stanley: It was unbelievable! Overwhelming and somewhat scary to see things taking off. We had no idea what the ride would be like, but we knew we had to hang on for the ride of our lives! And it has been.
operation_hennessey: What is the strangest thing a fan has ever said or request?
* Paul_Stanley: Nothing I’m going to share!
chiromannj: Paul, I see that you like to cook. Being the world traveler you are. what is your favorite restaurant in the world and favorite dish?
* Paul_Stanley: That’s a wide question! I love going to the Weiner Circle in Chicago for a hot dog. And I’m also crazy about Picasso in Las Vegas, and Per Se in New York.
tidja: when was the first time you saw gene?
* Paul_Stanley: I met Gene at a friend’s house when I was 17. It is a day that changed my life. 44 years together says it all.
MathiasSzczyrbak: Hey Paul if you could have been in either Zeppelin or the WHO which band would it have been ? sincerely mathias
* Paul_Stanley: Zeppelin. But those are BIG shoes to fill.
Adammcdonald: Has there ever been conflict in which you wanted to solo on a song, but the rest of the band wouldn’t allow you to? Do you ever feel like your guitar talents are underrated, because of the spotlight set on the other guitarists such as ace or tommy? I love kiss by the way, saw you in 2012 and I’m seeing you when you come back to hartford this year!
* Paul_Stanley: Never the case. I get to do pretty much what I choose. But am not blind enough to make the most of everyone else’s talents, and not stupid enough to make too much of mine.
rrfreitas85: Are you proud of your vocal performance on Unplugged MTV? Was your goal to show people what you can do with your voice without having to jump and move all around a stage?
* Paul_Stanley: I was very proud of Unplugged. I’ve always considered myself a singer who sings rock, as opposed to a rock singer.
bigfattentacles: Hi Paul, what’s your favorite kiss merchandise?
* Paul_Stanley: Wow! There are some great motorcycle jackets. My kids love the plush fuzzy blankets.
karmanaut: What’s your favorite thing (or maybe the most interesting thing) about Reddit so far?
* Paul_Stanley: Anytime I get to connect in real time to you and everyone else, it’s a gift.
TheDude77: Did you guys choose your own facepaint designs? If so, did Peter ever regret his choice?
* Paul_Stanley: We all came up with our designs. As far as Peter, you’d have to ask him!
DethStarchild: There’s so many great KISS songs that haven’t seen an official release. I think “It’s My Life” could’ve been a huge hit for you guys. Why didn’t you release it on an album or as a single?
* Paul_Stanley: That’s a good question. And it was a long time ago. I can’t give you an answer.
tjbythelake: Were you ever good at any sports? What’s the worst injury you ever had to play (on stage) through?
* Paul_Stanley: I never had much interest in sports. Particularly after once getting tackled and having the wind knocked out of me. I decided then that the guitar was safer. I have toured with cracked ribs, stitches… you name it. The show must go on.
Mortikhi: Do you ever plan to go on a book signing tour that isn’t in NY or CA? I hear FL is nice this time of year.
* Paul_Stanley: I’ll bring my swimsuit.
Giosi: How long did it take for the final draft of the book? BTW got book on the 25 March; a MUST read for everyone!
* Paul_Stanley: Thanks! The publishers were actually surprised that what they thought would be the first draft of the book was actually pretty close to the final, with a few small changes, we were done. It took less than a year, I believe.
dren_drawkcab: Hey Paul, huge fan! Thanks for doing the AMA! What was the writing process like for Face the Music? Was it easy, fun, quick, intimidating, etc to put all your thoughts and memories down into words? Did you set aside a time each day or so specifically for writing or did you just jot down your ideas as they came to you?
* Paul_Stanley: Once I opened the floodgates, it all just came out. With every story and memory, I thought of something else. I wanted the book to connect me with readers, old fans, and non-fans. I wanted everyone to see that we are all challenged by our doubts, and imperfections, and the key is how to overcome them.
Mixloop: Hi Paul, thanks for doing this AMA! Were you ever hesitant about writing a book as explicit and honest as this one? During the writing process, did you ever think the idea of exposing deep persona details about yourself was too much?
* Paul_Stanley: Once I commit to something, I give it 100%. Face the Music is a book I wrote for my children and in the hopes that people could find some inspiration in their lives from mine. You can’t expose until you’re comfortable with them or they are no longer an issue. Mine are the past.
VicRattlehead20: Hey Paul, how many more KISS tours can we expect before a final farewell tour?
* Paul_Stanley: I would think at this point that I won’t know until the end of the tour before!
blackdiamond19: When can we expect another solo album?! The songs you write for KISS are amazing, but I love how personal and real the songs on both your solos have been. Live to Win is always playing in the car and One Live Kiss is my go to concert DVD!
* Paul_Stanley: That’s great! It’s hard to juggle everything that I would like to do, so I can’t do everything! I’d love to do another solo album at some point, that would be closer to my first. Live to Win was a conscious attempt to get away from the sound that I was most noted for with the band. But there’s nothing like a great loud guitar and a great loud song.
* Paul_Stanley: I’m told I’ve gotta go now. I hope you’ve enjoyed this half as much as I have, if not more! I’ll be looking for all of you on tour and also if I’m doing a book signing in your town, come see me.