How very sad. “Big John” Harte was with us from the beginning and has ALWAYS been family. He fought valiantly and relentlessly against cancer and I was thankful to be able to cheer him on. He remains a legend in KISSWORLD. My condolences to MaryAnne…
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I can’t WAIT to get back out there on The End Of The Road. SOON!
My dear friend, buddy and guitar tech for 20 years, Fran Stueber died yesterday suddenly of Covid. Both on and offstage I depended on him for so much. My family loved him as did I. He was so proud of his wife and 3 boys…
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You were INSANE tonight!! I’m STILL buzzed! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
If You Find Something You Love Doing, You’ll Never Work A Day In Your Life.
Sunday Night was EXPLOSIVE. Tomorrow night PORTLAND it’s YOUR turn and I AM READY!
Drove Sarah from school to dance class & back home, did an interview about the era of music billboards on Sunset Blvd., worked on a few paintings & made an awesome dinner. I think the things that ground us and allow us to find peace,…
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Are YOU having as much fun as we are?!?!
I remember waking up and turning on the TV & being unable to comprehend what I was seeing. I watched all day thinking that somehow things would go back as they had been. Our minds try to protect us from horror. Today I honor all…
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